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Melissa Weissinger

CM Family Update 11/18/2020

Please find here the recording of the CM family update discussion held November 18th, 2020.

In summary, from the family call:

  1. Due to the continuing significant increase of cases statewide and locally, and in partnership with conversations from the Floyd County Health Department and surrounding school districts, Community Montessori will be moving to ALL OFF-CAMPUS INSTRUCTION (INCLUDING FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM AND ALL EARLY EDUCATION/COMMUNITY NURTURY LEARNERS) after we return from the November break.

  2. OFF-CAMPUS INSTRUCTION FOR ALL LEARNERS will continue for three weeks from Monday, November 30th - Friday, December 18th. No learners will return to the building until at LEAST Tuesday, January 5th. Please note that January 4th is a staff inservice day and no planned instruction will take place on that day.

  3. A CM Family Update call will be hosted on Wednesday, December 16th at noon to announce the plan for any potential on-campus learning starting January 5th. Please hold the date on your calendar and look for a link to sign up for this meeting in future emails.

We know this is very difficult for some of our families! We are here to support you, and we also want to help us support each other. Some families will be challenged with their work requirements and care/supervision of their children. To assist us all in partnering to support each other, we have created the linked Google Form. Families will view this Google Sheet as families start sharing needs and abilities to support. Similar to the Family Carpool Sheet, as you identify a family that may be able to support you, please contact them and discuss protocols, philosophy, etc. We recommend connecting with each other as soon as possible to set up potential support.

  1. You can sign up to ASSIST others who may need childcare/supervision support with their children at this time.

  2. You can sign up to REQUEST help with child care and off-campus learning during this time.

The sooner you fill out this form, the sooner you will be able to give and get support to/from our CM family - view the spreadsheet with the responses, here.

We strongly encourage you to ask for support if you need it, and make an offer of support if you can! We can all pull together and help each other.

We also know that there may be some needs created by this situation (or ongoing from the Pandemic) in terms of resources needed, services needed, etc. We have relaunched our CM Coronavirus Pandemic Family Resources Spreadsheet (this will also be linked on the website and in Cupola Notes each week). Hopefully these surveys and the results will help us share any community resources or offers of support within our school community here for other needs, beyond childcare.

  1. CM Family Pandemic Resources Survey

  2. CM Family Pandemic Offers of Service/Help Survey

  3. CM Family Pandemic Needs Survey (for your family or organization)

  4. Health/Coronavirus survey (please do not respond if you are negative) to share any knowledge about your family’s direct experience with the virus.

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