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The Community Montessori staff is dedicated to creating learning environments that nurture language and reading development for all young children. In this work, we sometimes encounter learners who benefit from additional interventions to support challenges associated with dyslexic-type struggles. In tandem with the Indiana Dyslexia Law, our staff has integrated interventions through Roxie Reading when we observe a need for more targeted support.  


Each school year, Community Montessori screens all kindergartners, 1st, and 2nd levels for characteristics of dyslexia.

  • ​If a learner is determined to be "at risk" or "at some risk", Community Montessori's reading specialists and teachers will develop an individualized support plan for each learner.​

  • Interventions are also put in place for learners outside these screening timelines and progress on these supports are communicated at Parent Partner Conferences. 

  • Families may also request for their child to receive a psycho-educational evaluation by the school if they feel that is necessary.

Each school year, Community Montessori screens all kindergartners, 1st, and 2nd levels for characteristics of dyslexia. 


  • If a learner is determined to be "at risk" or "at some risk", Community Montessori's reading specialists and teachers will develop an individualized support plan for each learner.

  • ​Families may also request for their child to receive a psycho-educational evaluation by the school if they feel that is necessary.

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Watch now to learn about how you can support the natural acquisition of language - and how you can help if it doesn't happen naturally! 

The Montessori Method naturally supports children, including those with dyslexia, in forming optimal reading pathways in the brain.

This research-based supplemental curriculum is used to further support individuals who need additional intervention beyond the Montessori practice. For more information, click here.

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